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Info for Parents


Make reading a part of your daily life, and kids will learn to love it. Have your child read for 30 minutes everyday. They can read silently, they can read to you, to a sibling, or to a pet. Just have them read!


The top 10 reasons for kids to read:

  1. Their vocabulary is larger and more extensive.

  2. They perform better academically.

  3. Their imagination can run wild.

  4. Their creativity skills develop.

  5. They develop empathy.

  6. They gain a deeper understanding of their world.

  7. Their concentration levels improve.

  8. The parent and child bond improves.

  9. Their cognitive development is supported.

  10. Their social skills and interaction improve.


I will not send a lot of homework, but when I do, here is some advice from KidsHealth:


·       The key to truly helping kids with homework is to know when to step in. Make sure your kids know that you're available if there's a snag, but that it's important to work independently. Encourage effort and determination — not just the grades they get.

·       Be a good example by showing your own love of learning. While your child does homework, do your own — read books, magazines, and newspapers; write letters, lists, and emails; use math skills to calculate expenses or balance the checkbook. By showing that learning remains important — even fun — once school's over, you'll help your kids understand that building knowledge is something to enjoy throughout life.

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